Thursday 9 March 2017


Caños de Meca is a small, unspoiled community on the windswept but stunning Costa de la Luz. Deep in the Parque Natural del Acantilado, Caños de Meca has beautiful beaches, backed by cliffs and pine trees. Perched on the cliff-tops straddling the coast road, this sleepy little village is fast waking up to a reputation as a trendy place for beatnik travellers and wave-jumpers to spend the summer.
The singer and actress Lola Flores was originally from this area, and much to the pride of the locals, often spent her holidays in here.
Caños de Meca is well off the beaten track and has to be reached by taking one of the small side roads A-2230 off the N-340 coast road just north of Vejer de la Frontera or by taking the minor coast A-2233 road through the pine forest north from Barbate.
Its almost impossible to escape from the occasional block of flats, but thankfully, there's little modern development. There are campsites in the area featuring chalet-style bungalows ideal for families.


The 'El Pirata' restaurant overlooks the beach and offers excellent seafood dishes especially at lunch time. Opposite La Cabana specializes in Moroccan fare, well worth a visit. After the evening meal many visitors descend to the cliff steps to the beach bars (El Pirata recommended) which become discos on hot summer nights. The music stops when the last person leaves or just falls asleep on the beach.
To the north west of the town, is the famous Cape Trafalgar, which protects the town's beaches. The lighthouse protects shipping. This is probably one of the worlds most famous yet unknown places because it was off this point that The Battle of Trafalgar was fought in 1805. when Admiral Nelson, although greatly outnumbered, attacked and destroyed the combined Frenach and Spanish fleet.
The Natural Park protects the 100m high cliffs and pine forests immediately to the south east. Guy Hunter Watts recommends his La Breña walk here.

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