Wednesday 16 November 2016


The Costa de la Luz (Coast of Light) is the western part of the Andalucía coastline that faces out to the Atlantic. The sand is finer and a more golden colour than in the neighbouring Costa del Sol, to the east. This area of unspoiled beaches is known to savvy visitors for its hidden coves with crystal-clear turquoise waters, wide sweeps of soft sand and groovy bars, while the reliable onshore winds and waves attract windsurfers and kiteboarders; international competitions are regularly held in Tarifa.
Many of the beaches here are backed by sand dunes and pine trees, as this part of the coast has not seen the high-rise hotel development of other areas. The temperatures are slightly milder, although some areas can experience persistent breeezes.

The areas with cliffs and coves are generally found in the Cadiz part, near Conil and around the Campo de Gibraltar.
This coast is divided into two sections: Costa de la Luz (Huelva Province), which stretches from the Portuguese border eastwards to Donaña park and the mouth of the Guadalquivir River, and Costa de la Luz (Cadiz Province), from the Guadalquivir eastwards to Tarifa, the southernmost point of the European continent.

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